Sunday, February 8, 2009

Seville I - Churros con Chocolate

We have arrived in Seville and are staying in a great little apartment in the Macarena district (unrelated to the 1990's dance craze of the same name). We have really enjoyed having a place of our own where we can spread out a bit more and cook, as opposed to being in a hotel room and having to search out 3 meals per day. We have especially enjoyed being able to have breakfast at home before getting ready for the day, although a couple of days ago we ventured out to enjoy one of the favorite breakfasts of the locals - Churros con Chocolate.

A churro is basically a fried piece of dough. Here in Seville, they come in straight stick-like pieces or spiral-shaped as demonstrated in the above photo from our local churreria (a place that specializes in making churros). They are generally served with drinking chocolate, which is a thicker version of hot chocolate and is the perfect place to dip your hot churro.

What is unclear to Kristi and I is how these churreria's stay in business. It seems like from a North American health perspective, churros con chocolate should be consumed at most once per month, but these places are always packed in the morning and often in the afternoon with relatively skinny Europeans enjoying these delicacies and staying thin. At any rate, we definitely will be over our self-assessed once per month allotment by the time we leave Seville as they are pretty addictive.

1 comment:

  1. sounds yummy, good for the waistline. keep
