Thursday, January 8, 2009


Following our wedding in November 2008, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to take a 5 month backpacking trip to Europe. We have moved out of our condo, returned our car to the dealership, sold off some of our belongings through Craigslist (if any of the buyers have found their way to this blog, thank you) and packed up the remaining items into Michael and Shelley Ellenzweig's basement (thank you). We are also traveling largely sans Blackberry and cell phone. For those that know Jon well, this is a huge challenge in itself and we will both monitor the situation closely.

Our original travel plan involved spending approximately 1 month in Israel at the beginning of the trip, but our plans have been foiled by the current political situation. Instead, we will be starting our trip in chilly Berlin followed by approximately 2 months in Portugal and Spain. We also expect to visit Ireland, Estonia and France during this trip, as well as a few other undetermined destinations.

We are obviously extremely excited about this opportunity and look forward to some incredible new experiences and adventures.

Special thanks to the Elgar Adventure Blog for serving as inspiration.


  1. Bon Voyage you two! can't wait to hear about your travels along the way....enjoy Berlin (our favourite city of all time!)

  2. Blog looks great guys! Cant wait to see you in Barcelona in Feb(tickets are booked!) and have you as roomies for little while in March. We're so lucky!! Cant wait xoxo

  3. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    BARCELONA is waiting for you!!!
    let me know when you get here! have a good flight to EU!

  4. We look forward to your pictures and travel journal! Safe travels!
    Sue & Jeremy

  5. Have a great time!


    Pete Ellenzweig
